WATCH: Hungry elephant tries to enter house in southern India, residents offer rice in defence

The unexpected arrival of a wild elephant created panic among the residents of a house in southern India’s Tamil Nadu on Saturday, January 18.

Screengrab from the video shows the antics of the elephant. Photo courtesy: Free Press Journal
Screengrab from the video shows the antics of the elephant. Photo courtesy: Free Press Journal

Fortunately, no one was harmed, though the tusker’s antics were filmed and have now gone viral.

As per reports, the male wild elephant wandered into the residential area of Therkkupalayam in Coimbatore district, creating a moment of excitement and fear among the residents. The tusker left only after it was offered a bag of rice.

The four migrant workers who lived inside the property that was raided by the elephant were cooking when they noticed the animal moving nearby. Reacting quickly, they turned off the gas stove to avoid attracting the animal further.

The elephant used its trunk to check on what was available to eat for the animal inside the house. The animal touched everything inside the house with its trunk. The video shows that the elephant also touched the gas cylinder with its trunk.

Luckily, the gas was turned off by the residents present inside the house. Finally, the elephant grabbed a bag of rice which was thrown at it by a resident, trying to defend themselves from the animal. The trick worked as after eating the rice, it calmly left the area without causing any harm, as per reports.

(The article is published under a mutual content partnership arrangement between The Free Press Journal and Connected to India)