The first mystery thriller movie of the Punjab film industry, Saab Bahadar, is releasing tomorrow and we got a chance to have a quick chat with the lead star Ammy Virk. Distributed by Zee Studios International, the movie is releasing in Singapore on June 2.

Indian techies form union to protect jobs amid layoffs by IT firms

Amid layoffs by many IT firms including Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant and Tech Mahindra, hundreds of Indian technical professional working as software engineers or providing back office services to global firms are setting up a pan-India trade union to protect their jobs.

Alliance of Indian-American groups: Human rights abuses against minorities on rise in India

An alliance of Indian-American groups has alleged that human rights abuses against social and religious minorities have been on the rise under the current BJP-led government in the last 3 years.

Bollywood celebs express sorrow over Manchester blast

Singer Ariana Grande’s pop concert at the Manchester Arena in England took a tragic turn when an explosion ripped through the stadium. According to latest reports, the blast has claimed at least 22 lives and left 59 others injured.

American rapper Nicki Minaj been sending money to India, reveals her Instagram posts

Popular American singer, rapper and songwriter Nicki Minaj revealed she has been sending money to an unnamed village in India for the last few years, to help its residents gain access to clean water, basic education, and technology.

Homeland Security: Over 30,000 Indians stayed after visas expired in US last year

According to an annual official report on departures and overstays released today, a total of 1.4 million Indians travelled to the US on various visas last year, out of which over 30,000 stayed in the country despite their visas running out.

About Author: Garima Kapil