Revamping Gaming Thrills With Virtual Currency

Gone are the days when a game night meant gathering around a table laden with board games. Today, it’s the virtual world that beckons, offering a blend of entertainment and the chance to strike it lucky.  The modern gaming arena is abuzz with the electric energy of cryptocurrency, creating a paradise for enthusiasts seeking the […]

Amid controversy over a BBC documentary on PM Narendra Modi

British news agency BBC recently released a documentary “India: The Modi Question” that stoked a massive controversy in India, sparking a political row worldwide.

Kalaa Utsavam includes award-winning short films by Singaporean filmmakers in this year’s programme

Turning 20 this year, Singapore’s premier Indian arts festival Kalaa Utsavam has included film screenings in its ensemble for the first time, with short films made by Singaporean and international filmmakers on the agenda.

About Author: Bharti Gosain