Produced by Ram Talluri of SRT Entertainments, directed by Pradeep Maddali and written by Teja Desharaj, this period thriller, set in the 1970s, delves into the rich history and mystique of Telangana, unraveling the mysteries of the Amaragiri province.

Mrinal Kulkarni’s Paithani to premiere digitally on November 15

Paithani tells the inspiring story of Godavari, a mother and master weaver of traditional Paithani sarees. As she confronts the impending end of her illustrious career due to tremors in her hands, her unwavering spirit is brought to life by her determined daughter, Kaveri. With a heartfelt mission to honour her mother’s legacy, Kaveri plans to gift her the final saree Godavari weaves. But will Kaveri succeed in her quest?

EXCLUSIVE: Suthasini shatters glass ceiling with Mediacorp’s Deepavali song composition

The multi-talented artiste spoke exclusively to Connected to India ahead of Diwali, which is celebrated widely in Singapore, with several areas in the city-state undergoing a transformation to suit the festive mood.

About Category: Entertainment