Top 5 emerging international holiday destinations among Indian citizens

When it comes to travelling, there’s a rising trend among Indians to travel abroad. The top emerging international locations among Indians travelers are a mix of long haul and short haul destinations, with South Asian vacation destinations still leading the board.

Go Go Goa! State govt launches travel programme for diaspora youth

Like many say, “Goa is not a place, it’s a feeling.’’ Known for its profound culture and beaches with high spirits, The Government of Goa is inviting young individuals aged between 18-28 to visit the Indian state and explore the culture.

Mount Agung eruption: Passengers spared 18-hour journey from Bali to Singapore as airport reopens

A flight from Bali to Singapore usually takes two-and-a-half-hours, but for passengers stranded in the Indonesian resort island, making their way home will come in the form of an 18-hour trip by bus, boat and plane.

Singapore boasts of having most powerful passport in the world

Singapore can now boast of having the most powerful passport in the world, with the top visa-free score of 159. This is the first time that an Asian country has earned the top spot in a passport index.

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