Daisy Irani returns with Indian-Chinese comic face-off on Singapore stage

Noted Indian television actress, director and producer from Singapore Daisy Irani Subaiah returns to essay one of her most well known productions, a comedic take on culture clashes in the Lion City. 

The third version of the play, titled 'We are like this only 3', is a gloves-off, free-for-all forum theatre play about the challenges of integration between different ethnicities and communities in Singapore personified by the perpetually irate Chinese, the Ngs, and the notoriously frustrating new Indians, the Bhallas.

(from left) The cast of 'We are like this only 3': Subin Subaiah, Daisy Irani Subaiah, Jo Tan and Hang Qian Chou. Photo courtesy: HuM Theatre Productions
(from left) The cast of 'We are like this only 3': Subin Subaiah, Daisy Irani Subaiah, Jo Tan and Hang Qian Chou. Photo courtesy: HuM Theatre Productions

"The play is a comedy that wrestles down perceptions, factual and fictional, that the Chinese and Indians have about each other in Singapore," Daisy told Connected to India.

The 90-minute play organised by Daisy's HuM Theatre Productions comprises a set of sketches portraying the wild perceptions and common misconceptions they have of each other, the stereotyping of the characters and the disenchantment they have with each other. All the pet peeves that the two couples and, by extension, the two communities, have about each other are on the table as they hilariously duel one another on every misconception and every misgiving in a comedic commentary on Singapore's complex society.

"It is never easy to present sensitive issues without making audiences feel uncomfortable. Comedy presents a solution. If we can laugh together at our misgivings and misperceptions about each other, then we have moved forward as a society," Daisy said.

Starring ST Life Theatre Award Winners and nominees Jo Tan, Subin Subaiah, Hang Qian Chou and Daisy Irani Subaiah; the  play features Music by Preetipls; Lighting Design by Alberta Wileo and Set Design by Lim Keng San (OnStaging), the play is bein performed at the Drama Centre, Black Box Theatre from April 20-30, 2023.

The depictions of clashing cultures and racial tensions are being highlighted as well as mitigated through humour, according to Daisy.
The depictions of clashing cultures and racial tensions are being highlighted as well as mitigated through humour, according to Daisy. Photo: Connected to India

On Wednesday to Fridays, there is one show at 7.30 pm, with two shows at 3 pm and 7:30 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

The depictions of clashing cultures and racial tensions are being highlighted as well as mitigated through humour, according to Daisy.

"The majority-minority relationship comes with a whole bunch of irritations and peeves on both sides. Some are cultural, others economic but most are ridiculously absurd myths. It is delightful to explore these differences in the format of satire. An advantage of a multicultural society is that we can engage with each other to enhance our relationship," she added. 

Supported by the National Integration Council, all indications are that 'We Are Like This Only 3' is set to be an entertaining evening at the theatre.

Tickets are available online. Special rates for students and school bookings and other information is available through email