Dubai to build city on Mars

From a small pearl-fishing village lined with dirty roads 40 years ago, Dubai has transformed into the most elegant and futuristic city boasting of the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa and other miracles. Now, Dubai has taken the decision to set up a city- hold your breath not on this earth but our closest planet Mars by the year 2117.

Interior view of the building which will be constructed on Mars
A computer generated image of the interior of the buildings which will be constructed on Mars. Photo courtesy: Dubai Media Office

Amply christened Mars 2117 project, the extra-terrestrial city will be set up on Red Planet in collaboration with specialised international organisations and scientific institutes.

Making this announcement, Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai said, “The landing of people on other planets has been a longtime dream for humans. Our aim is that the UAE will spearhead international efforts to make this dream a reality.” The announcement was made on the sidelines of the World Government Summit.  

The ruler further added, “Human ambitions have no limits, and whoever looks into the scientific breakthroughs in the current century believes that human abilities can realise the most important human dream.UAE is ranked among the most important nine countries in the world that invest in space science, and our goal is to accelerate human researches in this field.

A virtual presentation depicting a preliminary concept for the city on Mars was made during the announcement.

A computer generated image of the city that will be developed on Mars.
A computer generated image of the city that will be developed on Mars. Photo courtesy: Dubai Media Office

The first phase of Mars 2117 project will focus on preparing the human cadres able to achieve scientific breakthrough to facilitate the arrival of human to the Red Planet in the next decades.  It also aims to prepare an Emiratis scientists team and to develop an international scientific consortium to speed up the research project. The project will start with an Emiratis scientific team and will be extended to include international scientists and researchers, in addition to streamline the human efforts in term of exploring and settlement of the red plant.

The project will also focus on developing faster means of transportation from and to the red planet, and come up with an integrated scientific visualization of how the settlement will look like, and how life will be there in term of food, transportation and energy among many others.

However, this ambitious project of Dubai to build a city on Mars is hard to predict and only Time knows the answer.