Japanese author Rie Kudan confirms ChatGPT usage in her book after winning prestigious literary award

As per the author, 5% of the work in the book is generated by ChatGPT. Rie Kudan also stated that she’s a frequent ChatGPT user and often consults the AI bot to find solutions to her problems.

The universe sings to scientists; India’s giant radio telescope helps with hearing the ‘cosmic bass notes’ of black holes

India’s Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope was one of the world’s six large telescopes that played a key role in finding the first direct evidence for the relentless vibrations of the fabric of the universe.

Texas airport worker sucked into taxiing Delta plane engine; ‘ingested’ by the machine

Unifi Aviation, a company that is contracted by several airlines to assist with ground handling operations, was the employer of the killed worker, who was not named.

Nagpur man, who was ‘pregnant’ for 36 years, finally delivered his vanished twin

At the age of 36, when he had trouble breathing because of the bulge, Sanju went to a hospital, where the doctors suspected a tumour and operated on him. What came out during the surgery stunned everyone.

Singapore jails Indonesian man for encashing Marina Bay Sands casino tickets worth SGD17,900

The man, named Silitonga Andri Parulian, 27, had not robbed anyone, but he also did not return the tickets lying on the casino floor. The tickets had fallen out of a folder carried by a casino staff member.

Offbeat India: Woman cries ‘bomb’ at Mumbai airport to wriggle out of paying excess baggage fee

Her bags exceeded the airline’s checked-in baggage weight limit by more than 7kg — the limit was 15kg, and her two bags had a combined weight of just over 22kg.

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