Indian-origin Singapore minister Indranee Rajah said in her social media post that the “gift” was meant to encourage the family bond and parenthood, because the nation would need “more Singaporean babies to write the next chapter of our Singapore story”.

Pritam Singh trial: Workers’ Party chief testifies he told Raeesah Khan to take “ownership and responsibility” of her false claim

The Workers’ Party leader appeared in court on November 5 to testify following the ruling by Deputy Principal District Judge Luke Tan that there was a case for Singh to answer for both the charges against him. The trial began on October 14.

Singapore parents, rejoice! Government adding 40,000 new infant and child care places over next 5 years

In addition, to make early child care and preschool affordable, the Singapore Government has brought in measures to cap full-day childcare fee (per month) at anchor and partner operators at SGD 640 and SGD 680, a cut of SGD 40 that will come into effect from January 1, 2025.

Singapore disables 10 inauthentic websites to combat hostile information campaigns

They also carried content on Singapore, some of which were generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). These are common tactics used by malicious foreign actors: build websites which can attract a local following, that may subsequently be used as platforms to mount HICs.

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