The Indian Diaspora Councils of New York and Trinidad will be hosting an Indian Diaspora World Convention from March 17-20 at various venues in Trinidad.
Dr Rampersad Parasram, Chairman of the Indian Diaspora Council (TT), last week at a press conference at the National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC), said, “This convention will culminate a series of events around the world commemorating the 100th anniversary of the abolition of the recruitment of indentured labourers in India.”Rampersad Parasram, Chairman of the Indian Diaspora Council (TT), last week at a press conference at the National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC), said, “This convention will culminate a series of events around the world commemorating the 100th anniversary of the abolition of the recruitment of indentured labourers in India.”
Parasram referred to the implementation of the Indian Act of 1917 as a “significant milestone in mankind’s quest for social justice and human rights.” He said that the convention will provide a perfect opportunity to reflect on the injustices of indentureship.indentureship.
Parasram added that the convention will also provide a forum to discuss the impact of indentureship on the millions of descendants of indentured labourers worldwide. He stated that the objective of organizing the convention is to create a platform for critical dialogue towards the advancement of the global diasporic community in developing their respective nation states.
The theme of the convention is “Charting New Frontiers.”
Conference Coordinator Dr Primnath Gooptar said the conference will host 36 speakers from 15 foreign countries such as Canada, Belize, India, the Netherlands, St Vincent, UK and Japan.
This global convention will be declared officially open on March 17 by Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and will be followed by a concert and dinner.