Law passed to regulate use of electric bicycles and PMDs

To ensure safety of the pedestrians in Singapore, law has been passed in Parliament to regulate use of electric bicycles and Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) including skateboards, kick-scooters, e-scooters and hoverboards. The new Active Mobility Act will impose penalties for offences such as riding e-bikes or PMDs on paths meant only for pedestrians, or using PMDs recklessly.

New Active Mobility Act has been passed in Parliament to regulate use of PMDs in Singapore. Photo courtesy:

Under the new law, which takes effect later this year, a person cannot ride a bicycle, an e-bike or PMD on pedestrian-only paths. Subjected to speed limits, only those riding bicycles and PMDs are permitted on footpaths while shared paths, such as cycling paths and park connectors, can be used by those riding bicycles, PMDs and e-bikes.

Those who flout these rules can be fined up to S$1,000, or jailed up to three months or both.

Member of Parliaments participating in the legislative process wanted more stringent regulations, such as registering all users of electric bicycles and PMD devices, and making it mandatory for them to purchase third-party insurance and put on safety gear.

It is also an offence if users fail to provide assistance in a car accident, while sellers face hefty penalties if they display, advertise and sell devices that do not comply with guidelines.

The laws come after the Government accepted recommendations from a panel on rules and norms for the use of footpaths and cycling paths, and began clamping down on errant riders through a dedicated enforcement team formed last May.