MCI bans 9 publications by Rasul Bin Dahri containing extremist religious views

The Minister for Communications and Information (MCI) has gazetted nine publications by Rasul Bin Dahri as prohibited publications under the Undesirable Publications Act, according to a press statement released on June 20, 2017. 

According to MCI, these books contain extremist religious views which include denigrating remarks of other religious groups. In some of his publications, he rejects the idea of a secular state and calls on Muslims to establish an Islamic State.

MCI reminded the public that the Singapore government does not tolerate individuals or publications which aim to promote hostility or violence among different religious groups. 

Screenshot from a Youtube video of Rasul Bin Dahri. Photo courtesy:
Screenshot from a Youtube video of Rasul Bin Dahri. Photo courtesy:

“One of the greatest concerns facing Singapore is a terrorist attack from radicalised individuals in Singapore. The recent cases of self-radicalised Singaporeans show how serious an impact extremist ideology can have on a person," said Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications and Information and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs. 

"Rasul Bin Dahri is a Singaporean who has, through his radical teachings, betrayed the values that Singapore has held so close to us as a mutli-cultural and multi-racial society. We will not allow his radical teachings and his extremist ideology to take root in Singapore," he added. 

The prohibition of the nine publications will take effect from 21 June 2017. It will an offense to distribute, possess, or come into possession of any of the publications, but fail to deliver the copy to the Police.

Those convicted of an offence could be liable to a fine, imprisonment or both. Members of the public who are in current possession of these materials should hand them to the Police.

Below is the list of prohibited publications by Rasul Bin Dahri:

1. Setiap Bid'ah Menyesatkan
Publisher: Perniagaan Jahabersa, Taman Kempas, Johor Bahru, 1997

2. Hukum Mengenai Rokok & Mencukur Janggut
Publisher: Perniagaan Jahabersa, Taman Kempas, Johor Bahru, 1997

3. Salah Faham Dr. Harun Din Dalam Persoalan: Bid’ah & Percanggahannya (Edisi Baru)
Publisher: Perniagaan Jahabersa, Taman Kempas, Johor Bahru, 1998

4. Siri 1: Bahaya Tariqat Sufi / Tasawuf Terhadap Masyarakat
Publisher: Perniagaan Jahabersa, Taman Kempas, Johor Bahru, 1998

5. Siri 2: Imam Syafie (Rahimahullah) Mengharamkan Kenduri Arwah, Tahlilan, Yasinan dan Selamatan
Publisher: Perniagaan Jahabersa, Taman Kempas, Johor Bahru, 2001

6. Siri 5: Kebatilan dan Kemungkaran Berzanji & Perayaan Maulid Nabi (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa-Sallam)
Publisher: Perniagaan Jahabersa, Taman Kempas, Johor Bahru, 2001

7. Siri 7: Amalan-amalan Bid'ah  Pada Bulan Sya'ban
Publisher: Perniagaan Jahabersa, Taman Kempas, Johor Bahru, 2002

8. Tauhid Hakimiyah & Khawarij: Punca Demonstrasi, Pemberontakan, Pecah-belah dan Pengkafiran
Publisher: Syarikat Ummul Qura Enterprise, Majidi Baru, Johor Bahru, 2012

9. Demokrasi, Pilihanraya & Mengundi: Satu Kajian Menurut Al-Quran & As-Sunnah
Publisher: Syarikat Ummul Qura Enterprise, Majidi Baru, Johor Bahru, 2013