Notorious gangster Dawood Ibrahim made key CIA asset in Pakistan: FPJ report

In a highly significant development, the Free Press Journal has reliably learnt that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the U.S. has made notorious gangster Dawood Ibrahim one of its prime assets in Pakistan. Hitherto Dawood was a part of the Pakistan armed forces’ Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and was even given the honorary post of additional director-general by the ruthless spy agency, as reported by the FPJ on October 1, 2023.

Dawood Ibrahim
Designated global terrorist Dawood Ibrahim. Photo: Free Press Journal

Sources in the Indian security establishment said now, Dawood, who constantly relocates to different safe houses in various provinces of Pakistan, is directly reporting to the CIA’s station director in Islamabad, and if the ISI wants something done then it has to route its request through the powerful American spy agency. One of the collateral benefits for the don is that his family members now have free access to countries in the West.

Despite his advancing age (68) and illness, he continues to lord over a massive empire specialising in terror activities and smuggling narcotics. The main reason why the CIA is evincing keen interest in Dawood is that he has a deep network in Afghanistan, which he uses for smuggling pure opium from the Helmand valley. He is also partnering with the ruling Taliban and with the help of Tiger Memon, who executed the Mumbai serial blasts of March, 1993, and he is raking in big time moolah by illegal mining of gems from Afghanistan.

Don living under tremendous fear: Sources

Sources said he is now living in deep dread of the “unknown men” of Indian agencies who have in the recent months eliminated several terrorists holed up in Pakistan. He is not even going on Haj and Umrah trips to Saudi Arabia as he used to do in the past.

The mafia boss is also suffering from acute gastritis and acidity and is unable to control his high level of diabetes. He is assiduously avoiding late night parties, unlike in the past, where he was a prominent fixture in parties hosted by the Pakistani elite, including its army top brass. He is mentally agile, but has left it to his close aides like Chhota Shakeel to manage his illegal operations, while handling only critical assignments handed down to him, earlier by the ISI and now the CIA.

While Shakeel’s daughter is a successful doctor, the don’s brother Mustaquim’s daughter is a bar-at-law. Mustaquim is independently handling multi-crore cricket betting apps currently. Dawood’s family, however, continue to help him in his business operations. A senior security official told the FPJ that “Dawood regrets having stayed back in a failed country like Pakistan. Though he has made billions of dollars, he enjoys little freedom. He has to do the bidding of his current bosses.”

(The article is published under a mutual content partnership arrangement between The Free Press Journal and Connected to India)