In Pics: Singapore Khalsa Association invites all to Vesakhi Mela 2018

The Singapore Khalsa Association (SKA) has a busy year ahead, with the Baisakhi celebrations in April highlighting the way Sikh culture has blended with Singapore’s. SKA president Mohinder Singh says the Baisakhi mela has evolved into an event for Singaporeans at large.

SKA has evolved to include other communities in Singapore to share Sikh heritage: Mohinder Singh

Mohinder Singh, president of the Singapore Khalsa Association (SKA), said it is part of the association’s “effort to embrace diversity, integrate other communities in Singapore with ours and share our heritage with them so that they understand and appreciate it.”

Indians are actively involved in grassroots community in Singapore: Tharman

Indians are actively involved in the grassroots community – in fact, Indian representation among grassroots volunteers (over 13 per cent) is higher than our share in the population,” asserted Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

YSA organises ‘Sikh Voices Conference’ in Singapore

To deliberate on the economic and social challenges facing the Sikh community in Singapore, a one-day conference titled ‘Sikh Voices Conference’ is being organised on November 11. The main purpose of the conference is to catalyse thinking about the future of Singapore and the role of Sikh commun

Singapore and UK enjoy natural affinity: President Yacob

“Singapore and the United Kingdom share a rich and enduring relationship. We enjoy a natural affinity due to the countries’ common history,” asserted President of Singapore Halimah Yacob while hosting the official dinner in honour of Britain’s Prince Charles and his wife Camilla.