Bollywood Celebs to glam up Trump’s Inauguration Ceremony

Former Miss India-turned-Bollywood starlet Manasvi Mamgai is all set to bring some Bollywood charm to President-elect Donald Trump’s Inauguration Ceremony

Indians in the US could be affected by Trump’s new vows to enforce visa restrictions

Trump has vowed during rallies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to end the practice of laid-off American workers being made to train foreigners brought over to replace them.

Indian-American real estate CEO Sandeep Mathrani on Trump’s probable administration list

After roping in Nikki Haley, President elect Donald Trump has met another Indian-American real estate CEO Sandeep Mathrani in New York. Reports suggest, there he is a high probability that latter might be included in the cabinet.

Singaporean girl, ironically, lands a project for Trump’s campaign

In an ironical turn of events one of Donald Trump’s presentations, to gain traction among American youth, landed with a teenage girl from Singapore. Considering Donald Trump antagonised a lot of Singaporeans a few days back naming Singapore among the top countries stealing US jobs, this was ironic