Indian-American Preet Bharara troubled by the timing and reasoning behind FBI Director’s sacking

Former US Attorney Preet Bharara, who was fired by the US President Donald Trump, says he is ‘troubled by the timings and reasoning’ behind Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey’s firing. He has taken to Twitter to sound the alarm.

Barack Obama is more likely to greet me back than Hillary Clinton – Prantik Mazumdar

In view of a certain Donald Trump becoming the most powerful man on the planet using social media and messaging, we quizzed Prantik Mazumdar, marketer, about the increasingly important role social and digital marketing play in the world of business and the society at large.

Mallya raises white flag on Twitter, says ready to talk to banks for one-time settlement

Vijay Mallya today tweeted he is ready to negotiate with banks to pay a one-time settlement charge on the Rs 9,000-crore loan he had defaulted on. Taking a page out of US President Donald Trump’s book, Mallya opened a dialogue with Indian officials via the micro-blogging website.

Indians in the US: By shutting doors to immigrants, US would shun the most fundamental value of welcoming refugees

The US President Donald Trump may be revising the executive ban that temporarily halted people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US and suspending Syrian refugees indefinitely. But here are some things that he must consider before announcing the fresh executive order.

USINPAC Leadership Committee proposes Indian-American names for new administration

The United States India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) recently hosted a dinner for members of President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team, in Washington, D.C. A large group of Indian-Americans interested in serving in the administration attended the dinner.