Singapore sees record 5 mn visitors in July-September 2019

According to data from the Singapore Tourism Board, the nation-state saw a jump in international visitor arrivals, with a record 5 million travellers to the island between July and September 2019.

Exploring Singapore’s Tamil connections and heritage

A special exhibition by the Indian Heritage Centre (IHC) – From the Coromandel Coast to the Straits: Revisiting our Tamil Heritage – traces the two-way flow of culture between the Tamils of the Coromandel Coast and Southeast Asia from 600 years before the arrival of Stamford Raffles.

Five things to do in Singapore over the weekend of September 27-29

From a vegan food festival and Dandiya night party to a traditional Karagam presentation, this weekend offers a great deal for you to explore and be wowed by the richness of cultures in Singapore.

Singapore’s Bicentennial renews interest in the island state’s ties with South Asia: Josephine Teo

As Singapore celebrates its Bicentennial this year, there has been a renewed interest in the contributions of different communities to Singapore over the last 200 years.