Pilates is an exercise style that boosts strength all over the body. It’s world-renowned for its capacity to enhance core strength. Strength gains from Pilates improve overall fitness and boost well-being. Like Yoga, this form of exercise promotes flexibility, posture and balance. People who practice Pilates are choosing a safe exercise style. The odds of getting injured performing Pilates movements are a lot lower than the odds of getting injured doing other types of exercise.
With Pilates, there is a focus on building a powerful connection between mind and body. While people do the exercises, they pay careful attention to their breathing and the way that their bodies move. Developed by a German gymnast and carpenter named Joseph Pilates, who needed physical rehabilitation to recover from health issues, Pilates is safe and gentle enough to speed recovery in people with health problems and injuries. Now, it’s time to talk about how Pilates helps Indian men and women with Fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is a problem in India
Fibromyalgia is a chronic health condition which 0.5 to 2 per cent of India’s population must live with. Research shows that Pilates exercise is an effective treatment for Fibromyalgia symptoms, which may strike at any age. In one hundred days, the MYOPAIN India Second International Conference will be held in Bengaluru. This conference will be a place where information about the most effective treatments for “fibro” and similar ailments are shared. Since “fibro” is a problem in India and a big Fibromyalgia conference is on the horizon, it’s time to discuss the benefits that Indians with this health issue get from Pilates.
Pilates is low-impact exercise
Dr Shashank Akerka is a rheumatologist who recommends a combination of low-impact exercise, medications and analgesics as a treatment plan for Fibromyalgia. Pilates is a form of low-impact physical activity. One medical study, Effect of Pilates Training on People With Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Pilot Study, showed that a group of study participants with “fibro” showed significant improvements after performing Pilates, in terms of pain reduction and relief of other symptoms listed on an FIQ (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire). For best results, Indian men and women should do Pilates three weeks per week, for one hour. This is the amount of Pilates that the study group performed.
Why is Pilates an effective treatment?
Pilates was created to speed up the pace of physical rehabilitation. It’s a safe form of exercise which is appropriate for all age groups, due to its low impact. It helps people to recruit important muscles while avoiding fatigue all over their bodies. With Pilates, the muscles in the abdomen and back are activated, but the joints are not strained. Pilates contributes to stabilisation of the pelvis, the rib cage and the shoulder blades, and assists with aligning the spine and head, which reduces strain on the neck. Pilates is performed on a machine called a Reformer, which is equipped with pulleys that create resistance, and may also be performed on mats, with simple fitness accessories, such as foam blocks.
Talk to your doctor
While research and the opinions of doctors show that Pilates exercise is one important component of a practical and effective treatment plan for Fibromyalgia, anyone who has this condition will benefit from speaking to a doctor before beginning Pilates workouts. Alongside other trusted treatments for this disease, which makes those who have it tender to the touch, Pilates may decrease discomfort and other common symptoms of Fibromyalgia. The upcoming MYOPAIN conference in Bengaluru may shed more light on the best new treatments for this painful affliction.