Singapore 7th least corrupt country in the world: TICP Index 2016

The Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2016 ranked Singapore as the 7th least corrupt country in the world. Singapore also maintained its first-place in the 2016 Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) annual survey on corruption, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (C

India: Third-largest Asian Economy, ranked 131 on Human Development Index

India has been ranked 131 out of 188 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI), making it the third-largest Asian economy and in the same bracket as South Asian neighbours Pakistan, Bhutan and Nepal, according to a new United Nations report surveyed for human development.

Singapore tourism, Food and Beverage sectors fare better in customer satisfaction index

The tourism and F&B (Food and Beverages) sectors of Singapore have fared well on the satisfaction meter, reveals The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of Singapore.

Global confidence in institutions declines, India slips to 3rd place on trust barometer

The overall list for trust of the general population in the government, businesses, media and NGOs was again topped by China, while Indonesia replaced India for the second spot by virtue of an increased score despite the Indian score remaining unchanged.