Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has revealed that he is going to start shooting for his next film in June 2024. SRK had a phenomenal year in 2023, as he delivered hits like Jawan, Pathaan and Dunki. The actor said that he believes that he can ‘rest a little’ before resuming work on his upcoming […]

Bollywood’s ‘Queen’ Kangana Ranaut to contest Lok Sabha polls on BJP ticket from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi

Bollywood actress-producer Kangana Ranaut is “honoured” and “elated” after securing a ticket from the country’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. After the announcement of BJP’s fifth candidate list, Kangana posted on X, “My beloved Bharat and Bhartiya Janta’s own party, Bharatiya Janta party ( BJP) […]

Movie Review: Laapataa Ladies proves that “nothing” in fact can be “everything”

So, the missing of two brides or their swapping while stepping into their new homes is no big deal in a patriarchal society like the one we live in. And Laapataa Ladies effortlessly, smoothly and with lots of tongue-in-cheek humour manages to bring this to our notice.

About Tag: Bollywood

Bollywood News. Stories on Indian Hindi cinema, Bollywood industry, web series, movies, upcoming releases, celebrities and films published on Connected to India.