Indian Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Wednesday (December 20, 2023) chaired a high-level meeting to review the COVID-19 situation in India and the preparedness of public health system for surveillance, containment and management of COVID-19 in view of the recent spike in coronavirus cases in some states. He was joined by Prof. S P Singh […]

COVID-19: WHO marks JN.1 as “variant of interest”

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday (December 19, 2023) designated COVID-19 variant JN.1 as a “variant of interest”. Cases of JN.1 infected patients are rising across several countries. WHO designated it as a separate variant of interest (VOI) from the parent lineage BA.2.86. WHO posted on X: “It was previously classified as VOI as […]

Overuse of supplements without medical guidance can have serious side effects, warns expert

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people have become health conscious. This had led to a growth in gym memberships across the globe. As a result of the heightened awareness stemming from the pandemic, many people have become more mindful of their dietary habits and have turned to various supplements, such […]

Singaporeans asked to wear masks, as state records 56,000+ cases of COVID-19 in Dec first week

Just when the world thought it had left masks behind, another COVID-19 wave appears to be on the horizon. The city-state of Singapore has recorded more than 56,000 new cases of the infection in the first week of December; as a precaution, people have been urged to wear masks when out and about, especially in […]

MOH reports rise in COVID-19 infections, hospitalisation

Singapore witnessed a surge in COVID-19 infections and hospitalisation between Nov 26 to Dec 2, a statement from the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Friday (December 8, 2023). As per the ministry, 32,035 cases were registered as compared to 22,094 cases the week prior. “The average daily COVID-19 hospitalisations rose to 225 from 136 […]

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COVID-19 News. Read the latest and breaking news headlines and stories on COVID-19 published on Connected to India.