The woman, 37-year-old Monica Sharma, pleaded guilty to the assault charge and is expected to present herself in court on May 23 to start serving her sentence. She is currently on bail on a bond of SGD10,000.

Singapore proposes new law to fight cybercrime; cites 25% online crime spike

Singapore has introduced a bill in its parliament to crack down on the whole gamut of cybercrime, from misinformation campaigns and exploitation to online scams and drug trafficking.

Writer E Jean Carroll wins USD 5 million in defamation case; Trump slams verdict

A federal jury in New York City found that former United States President Donald Trump sexually abused advice columnist E Jean Carroll and awarded more than USD 2 million in damages and an additional USD 3 million in damages for defamation.

Indian student in UK sent email threatening Salman Khan, claim cops

The Mumbai Police today issued a look out circular (LOC) against an Indian student pursuing medical education in the United Kingdom for allegedly sending a threatening email to Bollywood actor Salman Khan, an official said.

Indian lorry driver jailed in Singapore for causing cyclist’s death and asking co-worker to take the blame

An Indian lorry driver in Singapore, 25-year-old Udaiyappan Vasanth, has been sentenced to a year in jail for causing a fatal accident by not giving way to a cyclist at a zebra crossing.

Singapore Customs arrests two men with 4,150 cigarette cartons, evading nearly half-a-million dollars in duties and taxes

Singapore Customs has released information about the arrest of two Singaporean men, aged 19 and 26. The duties and taxes they tried to dodge on thousands of cigarette cartons amounted to SGD444,216.

Texas mall shooting: Gunman identified; Biden renews call for ban on assault weapons

In the wake of the Texas mall shooting that killed nine people, US President Joe Biden has renewed the call for a ban on assault weapons in the hands of civilians. The shooter has been identified as Mauricio Garcia.

US gun violence: A trip to the store could mean bread, butter… bullets

“There is a special place in hell” for people who still opposed gun control, said Texas Senate member Roland Gutierrez, a Democrat, on Twitter, after nine were killed and seven were injured by a gunman at a mall in Dallas, Texas.

Indian defence research scientist arrested for giving information to Pakistani female spy

The DRDO scientist, identified as Pradeep Kurulkar, 59, is believed to have fallen for what is termed the “honey trap” tactic in espionage — an attractive woman seduces a man to acquire some classified information.

About Tag: crime

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