As India is set to hold general elections next year, Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal, who has been battling with the Centre and Lieutenant Governor since 2014, is now eyeing to set up a third front.

Mikey Hothi is first Sikh-origin mayor in California

USA News: Mikey Hothi, whose parents are from India, has been unanimously elected as the mayor of Lodi city in northern California, becoming the first Sikh to hold the top position in the city’s history.

Modi magic in full swing as BJP seals record win in Gujarat; Congress clinches Himachal

The BJP has swept the 2022 Gujarat assembly election and Congress, meanwhile, has been able to wrest back Himachal Pradesh following a close contest with the BJP.

Ex-US President Trump to make ‘big announcement’ next week

Donald Trump said yesterday he would be making a “very big announcement” next week, with the former president expected to jump into the race for the White House in 2024.

NDA candidate Jagdeep Dhankar wins Vice-Presidential poll

Former West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar is the new Vice President of India after defeating Opposition candidate Margaret Alva by 346 votes.

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