LA Comedy Live is organising an expat comedy show which will feature six performers, including India’s Deepak Chandran exploring a variety of themes with Singaporeans and food and culture to expat living in the island country.

‘Am I Old?’: Sharul Channa brings her latest production to the stage once again

Singapore Theater – Indian-origin Sharul Channa brings performance to the stage ‘Am I Old?’, which explores the life of Savitri, a 68-year-old, Singaporean retired school teacher.

“Are you Singaporean?”: Pooja Nansi explores the complex question through You Are Here

You Are Here explores Pooja’s story and her history – from her parents’ decision to settle in another country to her grandparents’ border-crossing romance. She has grappled with a simple yet complex question – “Are you Singaporean”?

Music to soothe the soul and spread a message of hope at Kalaa Utsavam 2020

Kalaa Utsavam 2020’s theme of the Tree of Life invites audiences to find comfort in a series of live carnatic music and classical dance performances by Singapore’s Indian arts community.

About Tag: Esplanade

Connected to India has covered a multitude of events and performances at Esplanade.