Known for its stunning snowcapped Alps, gorgeous lakes, the melt-in-mouth chocolates and gastronomy, Switzerland is also known for some of the world’s most unique museums!

Britain exits EU amid night of parties and protests

Amid pro-Brexit celebrations and anti-Brexit protests, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union at 23:00 GMT on Friday more than three years after it voted to do so in a referendum, marking the end of a 47-year chapter in its history.

EU Parliament postpones vote on CAA till March session

Members of the European Parliament debated a joint motion combining five different resolutions against India’s Citizenship Amendment Act at the Plenary session in Brussels with the expected vote on the motion on Thursday postponed until March.

Brexit: ‘We will always love you’, EU tells UK as it ratifies withdrawal agreement in landslide vote

The European Parliament overwhelmingly approved the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement on Wednesday evening with 621 votes in favour, 49 against and 13 abstentions.

Britain to leave EU today: A timeline of what happens next

January 31, 2020. That’s the date Brexiteers have been looking forward to for some time now. After four years of false-starts and stalled attempts, Britain and the European Union are finally ready to go through with their divorce.

How much will Brexit cost the UK economy? Over GBP 200 billion, estimates this report

With an expensive Brexit looming on the horizon, business analysts estimate that the costs to the British economy have already passed the total contributions made to the European Union from Britain since 1973.

About Tag: European Union

European Union News | Latest and Breaking Stories – Connected to India
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