In a move that is set to bring major relief to foreign fund owners, a Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) appointed panel has suggested relaxing foreign portfolio investor (FPI) norms restricting Non-resident Indians (NRIs) and overseas citizens of India from holding more than a five per c
Tag: foreign portfolio investors
Haryana CM Khattar woos business tycoons in Dubai
Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar was in Dubai to attract business investors for developing the state. He highlighted the various opportunities in Haryana.
How will the new Singapore-India DTA impact NRIs?
To have a better understanding of how the new DTA will affect the NRIs and NRI owned companies, we reached out to Abhijit Ghosh, India Desk Leader & Tax Markets Leader, PwC Singapore.
India-Singapore investment summit: Bilateral trade talks on the cards
India’s economic growth and strong bilateral ties with Singapore have led to increased investor confidence and opportunities for Singapore companies.