Tamil Nadu’s drug regulator has said it found “no contamination” in samples of eye drops manufactured by Chennai-based Global Pharma, which has hit headlines after a US watchdog linked cases of infections, blindness and even deaths to the eye drops.

First G20 health working group meet to kick off in Kerala from today

The first Health Working Group meeting under India’s G20 presidency will be held in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala during January 18-20, the Union Health Ministry said.

India logs lowest single-day Covid cases since March 2020

India recorded 89 new coronavirus infections, the lowest since March 27, 2020, while the active covid cases declined to 2,035, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated yesterday.

Pharmexcil suspends Marion Biotech membership over Uzbek deaths

Ministry of Commerce, has suspended the membership of Marion Biotech after the company failed to reply on the report of children’s death allegedly caused by the firm’s cough syrups in Uzbekistan.

Mandatory test for arrivals from China: Health Ministry to states

India News: The Health Ministry has given a fresh six-point advisory wherein Mandatory test for arrivals from China due to Covid emergency amid rising cases in neighbouring China.

India’s active Covid cases fall below 7,000

News: logged 406 new coronavirus infections taking the total tally of COVID-19 cases to 4,46,69,421, while the active cases dipped to 6,402, according to the Union Health Ministry data.

Lepra to hold ‘Shoesday’ celebrity shoe auction

UK-based leprosy charity Lepra, have brought together a star-studded lineup from the world of sport, film and TV, to support the organisation’s annual Giving Tuesday celebrity shoe auction.

Singapore rings alarm for November peak of new Omicron variant

As alarm increases over the new ‘immunity-evasive’ Omicron variant of Covid-19 called the XBB strain, the health minister of Singapore. The cases will peak by mid-November.

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