India has recorded 1,150 fresh COVID cases, taking the country’s total tally to 4,30,42,097, while four new deaths pushed the toll to 5,21,75, as per Health Ministry’s data.

India likely to allow normalisation of international flights by April

Are international flights open or still banned in India? Indian government is considering resuming international flights by March-April. The final decision on resumption of regular international flights is yet to be taken.

Great to be at forefront of evolving elder care in India: Saumyajit Roy

In an interview with Connected to India, Saumyajit Roy, Co-founder and CEO of EMOHA Eldercare, recalls how his efforts to ensure better health facilities and management of care for the elderly in India had begun over a decade ago.

Singapore gives nod to Pfizer’s oral drug for treating COVID

In a big boost to health sector, Singapore has finally approved Pfizer’s oral antiviral tablet Paxlovid for treating COVID-19, the country’s Health Sciences Authority said today.

‘India’s Covid situation will soon reach epidemic level’

India’s COVID pandemic will gradually slide into an epidemic stage, said a senior epidemiologist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). “Looking at the COVID-19 vaccination status and the natural infection, we can say that very soon, the majority of us will be getting an infection.

Nine-year-old yoga prodigy Indira Sharma following in her family’s footsteps

Nine-year-old Indira Sharma is following in the footsteps of her father Dr Nanjundiah Vishwanath and elder brother Ishwar Sharma as a yoga prodigy.

India logs over 2 lakh fresh COVID cases in a day

India has recorded 2.47 lakh new coronavirus cases today, the highest single-day jump in the ongoing wave, pushing the tally to 3.63 crore. The cases include 5,488 Omicron variant, of which only 1,805 people have recovered so far.

About Tag: Health

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