Somanath also expressed his delight at the growing popularity of the Space Expo as well as the interest being shown by startups to invest in the space sector.
India’s ISRO successfully places Earth Observation Satellite into orbit
ISRO successfully places Earth Observation Satellite into orbit
ISRO releases first Earth images from its meteorological satellite INSAT-3DS
The payloads were designed and developed at the Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad. The first images are processed and released at the Master Control Facility, Hassan in Karnataka.
“Hope that there will be more possibilities…”: Indian-American aerospace engineer Swati Mohan shares vision for NASA-ISRO collaboration
NASA scientist visits Kolkata, and says witnessing the success of NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance was a moment of satisfaction for her.
India’s solar mission: ISRO’s Aditya-L1 placed in halo orbit, PM Narendra Modi appreciates
Expanding India’s space exploration, Aditya-L1, the country’s first mission to study the sun, was parked at Lagrange Point 1 on Saturday, Indian Space Research Organisation said. “Halo-Orbit Insertion (HOI) of its solar observatory spacecraft, Aditya-L1 was accomplished at 16.00 Hrs (approx) on January 6, 2024 (IST). The final phase of the maneuver involved firing of […]
India will launch communications satellite with the help of Elon Musk’s Space X
India will launch a communications satellite with the help of SpaceX, a venture led by billionaire Elon Musk, according to a statement by NewSpace India Ltd (NSIL), the commercial arm of ISRO. Space X’s Falcon-9 rocket will launch the satellite later this year, marking its first collaboration with India where Musk is also keen on […]
XPoSat: India’s ISRO successfully launches mission to study Black Holes
The Indian Space Research Organisation or ISRO started its New Year journey with the successful launch of the country’s first dedicated polarimetry mission to study various dynamics of bright astronomical X-ray sources in extreme conditions on Monday. The mission will aim to study one of the biggest mysteries of space- Black Holes. Announcing the successful […]
India to launch polarimetry mission to study Black Holes on January 1
India will try to begin its New Year journey with an effort to know about one of the biggest mysteries in space- black holes. The Indian Space Research Organisation or ISRO will mark the first day of the year with the launch of the country’s first dedicated polarimetry mission to study various dynamics of bright […]
India plans to launch 50 AI-based satellite in next five years
After an eventful year when India’s lunar mission Chandryaan 3 reached the moon, the country is now planning to launch 50 satellites, which are based on Artificial Intelligence technology, over the next five years for geo-intelligence gathering. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman S Somanath on Thursday (December 28, 2023) said the initiative will involve […]
ISRO training IAF pilots for Gaganyaan mission; working on its own life support system
In July of this year, India joined an elite group of countries who have been to the Moon after the nation’s lunar mission, Chandrayaan-3, achieved success. What made India stand out was the area its spacecraft managed to land — the south pole of the Moon, which hasn’t been explored before — and the cost […]