Connected to India speaks to Shekhar Ravjiani, on his collaboration with the Global Indian International School, GIIS – Shekar Ravjiani School of Music – and his passion for teaching, and love for music.

Vasantham’s ‘Arpanam’ to Migrant Workers

Mediacorp is holding a virtual tribute concert Vasantham’s ‘Arpanam’ on Vesak day to support migrant workers in Singapore and lift up their spirits in this COVID-19 pandemic period.

Hitting the right Sur: Sushma Soma’s debut album Sa brings alive her love for music

Homegrown Carnatic singer Sushma Somasekharan has released her first ever EP titled ‘Sa’, and in this exclusive interview with Connected to India, she brings us back to where it all began – SIFAS – and shares the joys and challenges of her passionate musical journey.

About Tag: Music

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