Ex-Tata Sons chairman Cyrus Mistry dies in road mishap

Former Tata Sons chairman Cyrus Mistry died in a car accident in Maharashtra’s Palghar today. Mistry was returning to Mumbai from Ahmedabad in a Mercedes car that crashed against a divider.

Singapore to repeal Section 377 A, says PM Lee in National Day speech

Singapore news: Singapore is set to repeal the Colonial-era law that criminalises gay sex, effectively making it legal to be homosexual in the city-state.

Putin offers monetary aid to women to have over 10 kids

The new Russian reward scheme, known as Mother Heroine, that Putin has announced as a measure to replenish a dwindling population. Women to have over 10 kids will be rewarded.

Will China-Taiwan crisis affect India?

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s arrival in Taiwan has led to its ties with China becoming strained; India was keenly watching the developments, although it has not yet commented on them.

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