Ahead of her maiden visit to India next week for the Global Economic Summit in Hyderabad, Ivanka Trump, advisor to the US President, said yesterday US President Trump’s assertion of America First and Indian Prime Minister Modi’s call to ‘Make in India’ are not mutually exclusive or contradictory

PM Narendra Modi in Singapore on June 1, 2018

People of Singapore should gear up to hear the oratorical skills of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he will deliver the keynote address at the Shangri-La Dialogue on June 1 next year, stated the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).

Indian PM Narendra Modi most popular figure in Indian politics: Pew survey

PM Modi remains “by far” the most popular figure in Indian politics, an American think tank called the Pew Research Center said on yesterday, releasing the main findings of its latest survey conducted among 2,464 respondents in India.

Kenneth Juster sworn in as US Ambassador to India, replaces Indian-American Richard Verma

Kenneth Juster, a top economic expert on India has been sworn in as the US Ambassador to India, PTI reported. Juster has replaced Indian-American Richard Verma as the top American diplomat to India.

Govt making efforts to transform India: PM Modi tells diaspora in Philippines

“Our government is making every effort to transform the country and take it to new heights,” said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing members of the Indian diaspora in Manila, Philippines during the ASEAN summit.

‘I’m everything Trump hates,’ says the new Sikh-American Mayor of Hoboken

The newly elected Sikh-American Ravinder Bhalla, with a record of fighting discrimination, said, “I’m everything that Trump hates. A brown man wearing a turban, and a proud American with the know-how to stop his assaults on our country’s values.”

ASEAN summit: PM Modi has a busy day ahead, will meet Donald Trump for talks

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have a packed schedule in Manila today as he attends the opening ceremony of the 15th ASEAN¬–India summit and holds bilateral meetings with US President Donald Trump and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte.

Ravi Bhalla becomes first turbaned Sikh mayor in NJ, conquered racist fliers

“Don’t let TERRORISM take over our town,” the fliers said, days before the New Jersey elections when someone distributed anonymous fliers around Hoboken, featuring a photo of Ravinder Bhalla, wearing the turban that he always wears as a hallmark of his faith.

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