Slap protest leaves retired IAS officer reeling, as dog owners retaliate in Delhi NCR

A lift ride turned ugly for a retired IAS officer as he was assaulted during a physical confrontation at a gated society in Delhi NCR, northern India. The incident took place inside the Parx Laureate Society in Noida on October 30, 2023.

Tech CEO shares struggles to register his company in Bengularu on X; thread goes viral

In an ongoing conversation on X which has gone viral, founder and CEO of a Bengaluru-based company Brij Singh highlighted the difficulties he faced in trying to register his company in the city.

Narendra Modi pips Trump, Biden, Lady Gaga to clock over 90 million followers on Twitter

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is now one of the most followed politicians in the world on Twitter, with his account crossing a following of 90.2 million.

Round the world in 80 minutes: Ba Na Hills resort in Vietnam brings Europe and Asia together on a very Insta-worthy scale

The century-old Ba Na Hills resort, first created by French colonial settlers in Vietnam, has been reinvented to attract the modern tourist hordes looking for instant gratification through photo-ops.

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