US national debt exceeds USD 35 trillion mark

The US federal government’s total public debt has hit a record, surpassing the USD 35 trillion mark for the first time. As per the US Treasury Department, the current debt stands at USD 35,001,278,179,208.

Representational image. Photo courtesy: Unsplash
Representational image. Photo courtesy: Unsplash

The new figure showed an increase from the previous one recorded in December 2023, when the national debt had surpassed the USD 34 trillion mark.

Three months before that, the US had recorded a debt of USD 33 trillion.

“The borrowing just keeps marching along, reckless and unyielding,” said Maya MacGuineas, President, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in a statement, as quoted by Xinhua news agency. “Yet despite all the risks and warning signs, these alarm bells seem to be falling on deaf ears.”

“We are going to have to get serious about the debt, and soon. Election years cannot be an exception for trying to prevent completely foreseeable dangers — and the debt is one of the major dangers we are facing,” said MacGuineas.

The current debt of USD 35.001 trillion translates to USD 103,945 of debt per person in the US, reports said.